How much of the total solid beef weight do you lose when making beef jerky

How much of the total solid beef weight do you lose when making beef jerky

This question has come up many times, and though there is no simple, or “one answer fits all” explanation, I do have some insight as to a rough number you can use as a calculation.

The rule of thumb is 50%.

Expect to lose at least 50% of the mass of your wet, or solid, beef when making beef jerky. If you start with 5 pounds, expect less than 2.5 pounds, start with 10 pounds, expect less than 5 pounds.

A tip from Boondock’s Jerky

In my many years of making beef jerky, I lose around 65% of starting weight. That’s what I use in all of my calculations to determine how much product that I end up with.

Cosori dehydrator for making beef jerky, showing how much mass is lost when making beef jerky

In the small, 6 tray Cosori dehydrator (that you can get from Amazon for around $150), I can fit around 4-5 pounds of solid beef, after it’s sliced and trimmed. I generally end up with around 2-2.25 pounds of final product. That’s not a huge amount, and if you are making it for friends, you will need a larger machine before you know it!